
Supermodels dagbog i Vogue

Har lige læst en artikel i mit nye Vogue som rørte mig meget. I artiklen More and Less har den 23 årige hollandske supermodel Kim Noorda i en dagbog reflekteret og beskrevet hvordan det er at arbejde som international model for bla. Vouge, Alberta Ferretti, Stella McCartney og på alverdens modeuger. Men det er ikke alt. For vigtigere endnu beskriver hun hvordan det er at være i behandling for en spiseforstyrrelse imens. Hun skriver om modebranchens respons på hendes gryende former ”The designer apologized for the small size. The stylist said, ”Oops.” Then she made a phone call. I thought, OK, she will probably cancel me, and I looked her in the eye. She really did not seem to blame me. That surprised me, but I could not care less because I felt rather all right. I had had my period the day before, and it had made me so happy”
Senere fortæller hun åbent om lavt selvværd, modebranchens paradoksale modvilje overfor forandringer og et par meget stramme Balenciaga jeans.

Jeg vil tillade mig at lade citaterne stå og opfordre folk tll at købe Vogue og læse artiklerne med Gisele Bundchen (her kan man i lige så høj grad kigge billeder!) og Kim Noorda.

Jeg er virkelig imponeret over at Kim Noorda tør stå frem. Hun er ikke alene en fotomodel – Dette er i høj grad en handling som gør hende til en rollemodel i mine øjne.

Januar 2009

“I do not want people to see me as someone with an eating disorder.”

“(…) I told her that people in the fashion industry see every gram of fat”

“You could misunderstand `My you look healthy´ as `You´re fat.´ In me, it means the same, due to my job”

“I get the impression that people disapprove of change. This holds true for my job. When I look back on my career, most of my changes have been frowned upon.”

“She encouraged me to loose at least some of my weight. I was ashamed that I had to diet. At home I was thinner than everybody else, but compared with other models, I was heavier.”

“My legs and cheeks have become fatter. I really need to do something about that.”

“(…) What I do know is that I couldn´t get them zipped with all my strength.”

“I had never told anyone that weight is on my mind so much.”

“I avoid scales and mirrors. Only jeans make me aware of my weight gain”

Om at besøge hendes model veninde: “We listen to music, go for walks in the countryside (…) it is good to speak with someone who knows that world.

“Halfway through the day I wanted to leave and felt I really shouldn’t be there, being this size. So I apologized and left. . .”

(…) the other model has some difficulty with weight as well. She seems not really happy and at one point asks me if I am happier `like this´. When I try to speak with her more directly about it, she stops the conversation. I got kind of sad about it”

“I worry about having to seem normal. What would I have to eat then, going out? And how would I answer, for not wanting to drink?”

Januar 2010

“I was in doubt whether to write this article, thinking it should be a success story. The success is not that food and weight are never on my mind anymore, but the influence of these thoughts has become a lot less. I watch my weight, but I do not want to compromise my health or my happiness. (…) I just want to eat and have the energy to do all the things that life brings.”

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