Wardrobe Challenge!

(I am going to be writing these posts in english, sorry for the grammar)

This evening I’ve been preparing a challenge that I am starting tomorrow. I am quite excited and I hope it will help me get a bodily feel of my conscious consumer project for my Masters. Ahem.. Tadaah:

The challenge:

I must not wear any clothes, underwear, nail polish, jewelry or shoes that I have worn within the past year for 50 days.

My wardrobe before the attack when everything was still peaceful and quiet.

23 nailpolishes.  

Trying to get a hold on my stored basement clothes.


Bye bye Levi, Commes Des Garcons, Acne, American Vintage, beloved Munderingskompagniet leather pants and Diane Von Furstenberg skirt. And yes it is my new business cardigan from Vibskov, that was supposed to be my grown-up fashionista Copenhagen Fashion Summit piece, lying there in the box crying (no wait, that was me).

Out with the new and in with the old. 

I own 43 pairs of shoes. 6,5 Converse, 6 identical high boots and 21 pairs of my shoes I haven’t worn for 1 year!

Luckily I found a little treasure in the darkest of my despair.

The yellow column shows the amount of clothes left in my wardrobe. 
4 ground rules for the challenge:
  1. I must not wear the same piece twice until everything of that certain type of clothes has been worn. (jackets are excepted)
  2. The clothes and shoes has to be worn in public for a minimum of 5 hours.
  3. When wearing some of the shoes (the really high ones) I am allowed to bring extra shoes.
  4. Every piece must be worn at least once.
* Sportclothes, night clothes and my size zero skinny-jeans are excluded from the rules.

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  • Reply Anonym 17. maj 2012 at 14:29

    Fantastisk ide!!!!

  • Reply Simone Angelbo 17. maj 2012 at 14:29

    Bruger du også bh-er som du ikke har brugt siden sidste år, er de ikke blevet for små? 🙂

  • Reply Ida 17. maj 2012 at 16:39

    Simone: Ja, jeg brugte også mine gamle BH'er.
    Da mine bryster valgte at gå i betalingsstandsning da jeg var 17 var denne del af udfordringen ikke var det store problem. (Det var langt mere problematisk med mine bukser – lucky me).

    Anonym: Tusinde mange tak! Det gør mig meget glad:)

  • Reply Skal vi springe ud af skabet sammen? - Idabida 17. august 2018 at 7:25

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