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april 2012

The Wardrobe Challenge, Uncategorized

Day 38.

Yesterday I went dancing in my gym suit, and it was surprisingly durable and turned out to be an epic night. I am still incredible hungover and on my way to Hamburg to work. Not the ideal Sunday activity, but Lagkagehusets café in Kastrup helps a bit (rugbrødsbolle with dark chocolate ftw!) – Apparently I’ve become too old for Joe and the juice for which I totally blame the hip.
The Wardrobe Challenge, Uncategorized

Day 37.

Shit. I can’t believe I actually look like this today. And the pose to top it… But since I am pretty much down to pj’s and party dresses I guess it’s nice with an excuse to dress up like a dancer with a woolen suit and jazz ballet shoes from Stræk & Bøj.
I’ve been working all day trying to make a practical project out of my oh so brilliant idea. This is always the most difficult part for me. 
Mig, Slidgigt, sved på panden, Tanker, Uncategorized

Dumme hofte.

(nu kommer der et surt opstød. Spring det over og nyd weekenden)

Når man nu tilhører den mildt belastende gruppe af fitnesstyper som ikke bare elsker at træne, men faktisk ikke rigtig kan fungere uden at træne h.v.o.r.f.o.r. filan skal man så have en hofte med gigt i?!

Gigt gør så at man nok ikke må træne. I de piecer jeg har lånt på biblioteket om slidgigt (dem med smilende gamle mennesker og overskriften “Livet går videre”) står der at det er vigtigt at man træner, men jeg må ydmygt konstatere at 15 minutters gulvøvelser ikke er træning for mig.
Først så måtte jeg ikke løbe. Ok, så dropper jeg lige noget jeg har gjort i 10 år og begynder til spinning. Nu hvor jeg endelig har kæmpet mig igennem niveauet med blodsmag i munden og decideret torturfølelse og er nået et sted hvor jeg nyder at svede mig igennem 60 minutter, så er det fandeme også pludselig forbudt.

Al dårligdom i mit liv drejer sig åbenbart rundt om mine idiotiske lortehofter (pardon my french). Først var der et hoftemål som fik mig ned med nakken og førte mig ind i en årelang spiseforstyrrelse, og nu er det så slidgigt i den højre hofte som gør at jeg hverken må løbe eller spinne. Udover det vralter jeg rundt og ligner en der kronisk har skidt i bukserne, jeg er ca. 15 sekunder om at komme ud af en bil og jeg overvejer seriøst at ønske mig et langt skohorn i 28 års fødselsdagsgave (28. Ikke 82).
Nå. I går blev det hele lidt for meget og nu skulle jeg bare lige ud med det. Øv majn.

Må jeg afslutingsvis komme med en opfordring? Hvis du har ondt i hoften, så lad for Guds skyld være med at få den røntgenfotograferet. Du risikerer bare det er slidgigt.

The Wardrobe Challenge, Uncategorized

Day 36.

It’s Friday and I’ve decided that it’s summer! It’s the only way I can justify wearing shorts I feel approximately 10 years to old to wear. My beloved Kenya shoes helps. It also helps that the silk top is Alexander Wang (pause for reaction). I never wear it due to my previously mentioned spill record, and I only bought it, because the label looked nice and it was on sale from 2200 dkr to a bargain of 700 dkr (for a top I never wear? This is probably where the real reaction should be!)
Sometimes I buy ridiculously expensive clothes so the shop personal thinks I am cool. 
The Wardrobe Challenge, Uncategorized

Day 35.

I just got home from Student Music Award 2012 where I walked around in very feminine shoes and constant fear of nipple slip. But most of all I rooted for my boyfriend’s rock trio The Boy That Got Away and of course they won the entire competition – Yay!


Make it better.

This is the best. I am sorry, kaospilotish or not, for me it is. When I don’t know where I am going, I just watch this and draw a circle of my own.

In the center of my circle right now it says:

I believe we all want to rebel against 
something to make it better.

The Wardrobe Challenge, Uncategorized

Day 34.

The fine white blouse I am wearing was sewn by my great grandmother, Ellen, over a hundred years ago. Today Ellen is a phenomenon in my family. Because she was such a decent woman we call it “making an Ellen” every time one of us girls in the family are being too holy (fx by choosing an apple over candy). Therefore wearing her fine blouse for the first time is both cozy and nerve wrecking since I have quite a high spill record when it comes to white clothes.
The Topshop pants still doesn’t make my legs look like Gisele’s for which I am sincerely disappointed. 
The Wardrobe Challenge, Uncategorized

Day 33.

Please don’t ask why I never wear this amazing tailor made black silk dress I bought in Shanghai!?

I am cheating with the jacket, though because I’ve actually been freezing in the jackets I haven’t worn within the past year. So I am borrowing my boyfriends jacket when the weather is too cold – Uh, I am bad:)



Uh-oh. The ‘fashion’ blogging thing apparently got me hooked enough to make my first official hair post (stop me!). This is a hairstyle for everyone with long hair who, like me, HATES to do their hair and has never figured out how to make anything but a pony tail. This is the most easy party hair I have ever done (did this after half a bottle of white wine, and went Arto in the bathroom with excitement). 
  1. Make a plait that is sort of to one side.
  2. Place the plait along the forehead.
  3. Fasten it with hairpins.
  4. Pull out a bit of hair to make it look like you just stepped of the set of “I am Dina”. 
(Most importantly: Don’t think about what it is supposed to look like (because it won’t). Just make it)