Final day of my 50 day wardrobe challenge!
Done with:
– Only wearing the stuff I’ve kept in the back of my closet for as long as 21 years.
– Mandatory neuritic morning sessions, where I am trying to figure out how the dang to combine fx. a jacket I had from I was six (= rather small) with my dad´s old size 56 Levi jeans (= rather big).
– Kind comments on what I am wearing from people I don’t know.
– Wondering why the above mentioned never happens when I am in my usual clothes.
– Forcing people my boyfriend to take pictures of me all the time. (I have a new found respect for fashion bloggers – had no idea how much work that whole picture taking thing is!)
– Rediscovering unbelievable many pretty pieces of clothing and shoes.
– Looks from friends and family trying not to judge my massive wardrobe. (Hi. My name is Ida…)
– Wearing extremely high and over-the-top heels in Føtex.
– Walking six meters behind my boyfriend because he is to embarrassed to walk with me.
– Drawing the partly embarrassing and partly comforting conclusion that not everybody has the same amount of unworn clothes as me.
I am happy to have realized that it’s perfectly ok (if not preferably) to wear party dresses and paillettes on boring Wednesdays, and also that style is not something you have to buy new stuff to explore (I have never explored my style so much than since I began wearing my own clothes).
Admitted I have always looked a bit down on people caring too much about their apparel, thinking that it is shallow, but I have discovered that in our society what we wear is actually genuine very much attached to our emotions. I guess that is why so many (some openly and some secretly) likes to look at what other people are wearing at blogs and in tabloid magazines.
Today I’ll try to figure out a way to decide on what to toss and what to keep. I have absolutely no idea how to fit my stored away clothes back into my wardrobe.
Thank you for following and for your kind comments.
love this butterfly top
Thank you Carolyna! I bought it at Roskilde Festival and have sadly only worn it twice during the 7 years I've had it in my closet 🙂
Tillykke med gennemførelsen Ida! Jeg glæder mig til selv at skulle igang og nyder allerede kreativiteten i at sætte outfits sammen af tøj jeg rent faktisk har i klædeskabet i stedet for imaginære outfits fra mit polyvore klædeskab.
Tusinde tak Jenny! Jeg glæder mig virkelig også til at se hvad du finder frem fra gemmerne:)