Dear New York Fashion Week

Der har lige været modeuge i New York. Og mere end 200 modeller har i løbet af ugen delt deres personlige oplevelse af branchens standarder, på Instagram under hashtagget #DearNYFW. Der er mange tankevækkende historier imellem og jeg synes helt klart de er værd at tjekke ud. Især hvis man, som jeg, ser De Smukke Piger på DR3 for tiden.

I går smed jeg så min historie i puljen. Her er den (flankeret af et par billeder fra jeg var hhv 20 år i Hamborg og skidehamrende sulten (tv) og 30 år og rask og mæt (th))


I never met you.

Because even at my most hungry self (on the left at age 20, 52 kg, with 89cm/35inches hips) I wasn’t thin enough for the runway.

I’m very grateful for the 12 year career I’ve had so far. But the prize was high: 5 tough years battling an Eating Disorder, because I thought that being dizzy with hunger was ‘part of the game’ of being a model.

Later on I learned that it wasn’t. That there is actually such a thing as a healthy model with a naturally low bmi. I just wasn’t one of them. And I wish that the fashion industry would have just told me that.

Instead of encouraging me to ‘keep up the good work’ at a time when my only intake was Diet Coke, blue kings and apples, I wish they had told me to eat and be healthy. I’ll never forget them saying ‘you can always become thinner’.

In Denmark, we recently launched a national health check. The pilot for 2017 is to offer all 16 year old models a mandatory and free of charge medical and psychological check. I sincerely hope that this will prevent models, from the anxiety and confusion that I went through.

And I hope that you, New York Fashion Week (and London, Paris etc…), will follow and embark with us on the mission towards a global fashion industry filled with happy and healthy models in the future.


Ida Burchardi (founder of @modeluniondk and on the steering committee of Danish Fashion Ethical Charter.

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  • Reply Liselotte 17. februar 2017 at 22:53

    Sejt, meget sejt!

    Nu vil jeg kigge på de andre og se, hvad de siger.

    Igen, du må have en meget afslappende og forfriskende weekend, så du er klar til endnu en uge derude med mega mave på slæb. Jeg håber, at du har det sjovt blandt rare mennesker. når du er på arbejdet.

    • Reply Ida 23. februar 2017 at 15:29

      Tusinde tak Liselotte! Og i lige måde – jeg håber du kommer kommer okay igennem de her alt for trælse vintermåneder!

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